Justice Stephen Breyer was caught off guard when White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain released information that Breyer had decided to retire from the Supreme Court this year. It was certainly news to the Justice.
According to a Supreme Court insider, Breyer had discussed retiring “sometime in the next few years” with his personal staff. But he made it clear he was not retiring this year. Someone mentioned the private conversation to Mr. Klain, and he did what he does best, caused a firestorm of media attention to distract from Biden’ mistakes and low polling numbers.
The progressive wing of the party was like a shark to the smell of blood in the water as they moved in to create the narrative that now is the perfect time to get a black, female justice on the court before the midterm elections in November. The Dems are fearful of even the slightest possibility of a Republican takeover of the Senate. If that happens, Senator Mitch McConnell could delay or entirely postpone any Supreme Court considerations until after the 2024 elections.
According to another source, Breyer called every media outlet refuting the leak, but no one would take his call. The White House refused to take his call. Some powerful Democrats called his office to make him aware of how important his retirement would be to the future of the Supreme Court, the Democrat party, and the nation. One court insider even went so far as to admit that threats were made if he tried to back out of his retirement announcement.
A shouting match could be overheard behind closed doors before the press conference. One voice that could be heard loud and clear was Senator Chuck Shumer. “No take backs,” he shouted. “No take backs.”
Soon, the group entered the room. When asked about the rumors he wasn’t retiring, Breyer refused to say anything. Apparently, the applied pressure worked.
If you watch video of Breyer’s awkward announcement at the White House, notice how the Justice refused to look Biden in the eyes when invited to the podium to speak.
Now we must wait for Breyer’s tell-all book that all former Supreme Court Justices write in order to offer their take on the Court’s actions and behind the scene shenanigans during their time on the bench. The retirement chapter will be worth the wait.